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1. Intelligent forecasting for financial time series subject to structural changes

- Intelligent Data Analysis, 13(1), 151–163, (2009)

- Jae Joon Ahn, Suk Jun Lee, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Tae Yoon Kim


2. Using rough set to support investment strategies of real-time trading in futures market

- Applied Intelligence, 32(3), 364–377, (2010)

- Suk Jun Lee, Jae Joon Ahn, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Tae Yoon Kim

3. Usefulness of support vector machine to develop an early warning system for financial crisis

- Expert Systems with Applications 38(4), 2966–2973, (2011)

- Jae Joon Ahn, Kyong Joo Oh*, Tae Yoon Kim, and Dong Ha Kim

4. Facilitating cross-selling in a mobile telecom market to develop customer classification model based on hybrid data mining techniques

- Expert Systems with Applications 38(5), 5005–5012, (2011)

- Hynchul Ahn, Jae Joon Ahn, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Dong Ha Kim

5. Lag-ℓ forecasting and machine-learning algorithms

- Expert Systems, 28(3), 269-282, (2011)

- Jae Joon Ahn, Il Suh Shon, Kyong Joo Oh*, Tae Yoon Kim, and Kyu Moon Song

6. A novel customer scoring model to encourage the use of mobile value added services

- Expert Systems with Applications, 38(9), 11693–11700, (2011)

- Hynchul Ahn, Jae Joon Ahn, Hyun Woo Byun, and Kyong Joo Oh*

7. 주성분 분석과 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 다국 통화 포트폴리오 전략

- 한국데이터정보과학회지, 23(1), 151–159, (2012)

- 심경식, 안재준, 오경주*

8. Bayesian forecaster using class-based optimization

- Applied Intelligence, 36(3), 553–563, (2012)

- Jae Joon Ahn, Hyun Woo Byun, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Tae Yoon Kim

9. Using ridge regression with genetic algorithm to enhance real estate appraisal forecasting

- Expert Systems with Applications, 39(9), 8369–8379, (2012)

- Jae Joon Ahn, Hyun Woo Byun, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Tae Yoon Kim

10. Applying Option Greeks to Directional Forecasting of Implied Volatility in the Options Market: An Intelligent Approach

- Expert Systems with Applications, 39(10), 9315–9322, (2012)

- Jae Joon Ahn, Dong Ha Kim, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Tae Yoon Kim

11. Using GA-Ridge regression to select hydro-geological parameters influencing groundwater pollution vulnerability

- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(11), 6637-6645, (2012)

- Jae Joon Ahn, Young Min Kim, Keunje Yoo, Joonhong Park, and Kyong Joo Oh*

12. A new methodology for carbon price forecasting in EU ETS

- Expert Systems, 32(2), 228-243, (2015)

- Sung Kwon Han, Jae Joon Ahn, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Tae Yoon Kim

13. Using a principal component analysis for multi-currencies-trading in the foreign exchange market

- Intelligent Data Analysis, 19(3), 683-697, (2015)

- Hyunwoo Byun, Jae Joon Ahn, Kyong Joo Oh*, and Tae Yoon Kim

14. 경제심리지수의 유용성 및 개선방안에 관한 연구

- 한국데이터정보과학회지, 26(6), 1335–1351, (2015)

- 김치호, 김태윤, 박인호, 안재준*

15. Decision tree-based data mining and rule induction for identifying hydrogeological parameters that influence groundwater pollution sensitivity

- Journal of Cleaner Production, 122(20), 277-286, (2016)

- Keunje Yoo, Sudheer Kumar Shukla, Jae Joon Ahn, Kyong Joo Oh, and Joonhong Park*

16. 탄소배출권 거래시장 특성을 반영한 배출권가격 예측모델 개발

- Entrue Journal of Information Technology, 15(1), 7-16, (2016)

- 김영민, 안재준*

17. A Comparative Analysis of Suicide Rate Trends between Korea and Other OECD Countries

- Quantitative Bio-Science, 35(2), 41-44, (2016)

- Yun Geon Kim, Yun Tae Kim, Seung Kyu Lee, and Jae Joon Ahn*

18. 데이터마이닝 방법을 이용한 아시아 민족 분류 모형 구축

- 대한법의학회지, 41(2), 32-40, (2017)

- 김윤건, 이숭덕, 하은호, 안재준*

19. 스왑포인트 결정요소를 이용한 머신러닝 기반의 원달러 환율 예측 모형에 관한 연구

- 한국데이터정보과학회지, 29(1), 203-216, (2018)

- 김영철, 이현준, 김지우, 안재준*

20. 비재무 정보를 활용한 IPO 주식의 상장일 가격 등락 예측에 관한 연구

- 한국데이터정보과학회지, 29(2), 425-439, (2018)

- 신상훈, 이현준, 안재준*

21. An Intelligent Product Recommendation Model to Reflect the Recent Purchasing Patterns of Customers

- Mobile Networks and Applications, 24(1), 163-170, (2019)

- Haein Kim, Geunho Yang, Hosang Jung, Sang Ho Lee, and Jae Joon Ahn*

22. Is Deep Learning for Image Recognition Applicable to Stock Market Prediction?

- Complexity, 2019, 1-10, (2019)

- Hyun Sik Sim, Haein Kim, and Jae Joon Ahn*

23. XGBoost 모형을 활용한 코스피 200 주가지수 등락 예측에 관한 연구

- 한국데이터정보과학회지, 30(3), 655-669, (2019)

- 하대우, 김영민, 안재준*

24. 협업필터링과 스태킹 모형을 이용한 상품추천시스템 개발

- 융합정논문지, 9(6), 83-90, (2019)

- 박성종, 김영민, 안재준*

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